The ultimate source for hot springsonsensthermal poolshot pools

One of the most therapeutic and primal experiences is soaking in a natural geothermal heated pool in the heart of the forest, far out of cell service.

Reconnect with nature to find a better connection! We have spent years curating the exact locations of hot springs in our province and are always on the hunt for more.

Our Story

Our founder's passion for hot springs began as a young child, as his parents had an afflication for Ainsworth Hot Spring's incredible caves. As an adult, he revisited them numerous times and heard whispers of the (at the time) elusive Halfway thermal pools.

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At Your Own Risk

While we do our best to remove inappropriate content, we disclaim  all liability for content within this group or what you may do with the information you obtain here. Use it at YOUR OWN RISK.

Respect the Springs

These are a natural resource that one day could very well be commercialized or cordoned off by the province if they are not respected. Pack out what you pack in.

No Illegal Activity/Trespassing

We do not condone trespassing or any illegal activity of any kind. Some springs are on private property, require passing through private property, or are closed temporarily or permanently. Always seek permission of the land owner!

Location Sharing

We believe hot springs are a natural resource meant to be enjoyed and shared by all, not just to the few elite who know about them. 


Our Milestones

Trinkets from our past.

2021 & 2022

Official Site Launch

After discovering Ram Creek Hot Springs in 2021, which are three multi-terraced pools stepping down the hillside with spectacular valley views, we put the pedal to the metal on the web site work and finally get our guide online!


Going Beyond

We launch our official Hot Springs of BC FaceBook group which quickly grows to tens of thousands of eager visitors. Work begins on the web site. We make it our mission to become the most comprehensive resource on the internet for BC.


Official BC Park

Halfway Hot Springs becomes an official BC park managed by Robert "Bob" Moody. Complete with paid campsites, proper signage, and more.


Upper Halfway

We hear rumours of an additional hot springs further up the river and discover the secret zip line!


Finding Halfway

We discover Halfway Hot Springs and make it an annual trip with our friends.

80s & 90s

Childhood Love

Our founder's parents make regular trips to Ainsworth Hot Springs special caves.

We are the most comprehensive source for hot springs in British Columbia!